Clare Boothe Luce Women in STEM Program

Clare Boothe Luce Program

Application Process

The CBL competition is a two-step process. Interested institutions first submit an initial application form through our portal. After review by the CBL Selection Committee, a smaller group of these institutions are invited to submit a full proposal. Only institutions explicitly invited by the Selection Committee may submit a proposal. Institutions may request up to $750,000 to use over five years.  

Eligibility & Restrictions

  • Grants are made to four-year degree-granting institutions, not directly to individuals. Applications should only be submitted by those with the authority to apply on behalf of the institution. 

  • Applicants must have conducted or plan to conduct research (climate surveys, sexual harassment surveys, diversity studies, or equivalent research efforts) that demonstrate a clear understanding of the barriers its particular communities of women encounter. The use of national data alone is not sufficient for demonstrating understanding. CBL funding can be part of the plans to conduct research. 

  • Catholic institutions with strong science programs are especially encouraged to apply. According to the terms of Ambassador Luce’s bequest, at least 50% of the Program’s awards go to Roman Catholic colleges or universities. 

  • Minority-Serving Institutions and institutions with high percentages of Pell Grant-eligible students whose institutional mission and/or strategic plan are in clear alignment with CBL Program goals are encouraged to apply.  

  • Medical, behavioral, and social science fields are excluded. 

  • Funds may not be used for international study or travel abroad. 

  • Current CBL Grantees - An institution with a CBL grant may not submit a new application before its current grant has been officially closed. 

  • Colleges or universities that have been recent recipients of a Clare Boothe Luce award may not re-apply until three years have passed since the submission of their final narrative and budget report. 

Please review the Frequently Asked Questions.

2024 Competition Timeline

Friday, February 16th: CBL 2024 Application Opens 

Monday, March 25th: 2024 Applications are due 

Mid to Late May: Selection Committee meeting to vote on applications; institutions notified of results. The proposal phase begins. 

Monday, September 2nd: Full Proposals are due 

Mid to Late October: Final Selection Committee meeting to vote on proposals; institutions notified.

Apply Now

Upcoming Webinars and Recordings

The Clare Boothe Luce Program hosted several webinars to review changes to the program. If you were unable to join one of these webinars, please email: Please note, that a copy of the webinar will only be shared with higher education institutions interested in applying for the program.


For general information about the CBL program and/or the application process, please thoroughly review all of the information available on this website, including linked program documents and FAQs.

Image: Georgetown University Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor of Physics, Rhonda Dzakpasu
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